New tracks for the community

The idea of releasing this album is to support the people who are going to participate in the GMTK 2021 but there will be no restrictions if someone wants to use a track for other projects outside the Jam or for another Jam different from the one mentioned above.

I would also like people to listen to the tracks I have created and tell me what they thought of them and if there are any that they liked.

Finally, I hope you can share the games or projects that took some of the tracks by leaving a link as a comment in this post. 

La idea de publicar este álbum es apoyar a la gente que va a participar en el GMTK 2021 pero no existirán restricciones si alguien quiere utilizar alguna pista para otros proyectos ajenos al Jam o para otro Jam distinto al antes mencionado.

También me gustaría que la gente escuche las pistas que he creado y me digan que les han parecido y si hay alguna que les haya gustado.

Por último, espero y compartan los juegos o proyectos que tomaron alguna de las pistas dejando un enlace como comentario en este post. 


1. Drumping - Light Clouding.mp3 6.3 MB
Jun 01, 2021
2. Byte Knight - Light Clouding.mp3 5 MB
Jun 01, 2021
3. Chill Space - Light Clouding.mp3 3.3 MB
Jun 01, 2021
4. Pop not pop - Light Clouding.mp3 4.9 MB
Jun 01, 2021
5. Funky Ambient - Light Clouding.mp3 4.4 MB
Jun 01, 2021
6. Clipping Close - Light Clouding.mp3 4.2 MB
Jun 01, 2021
7. Latin Night - Light Clouding.mp3 3.7 MB
Jun 01, 2021
8. Perturbed reality - Light Clouding.mp3 2.1 MB
Jun 01, 2021
9. Landó channel - Light Clouding.mp3 4.7 MB
Jun 01, 2021
10. Funny Moment - Light Clouding.mp3 4.4 MB
Jun 01, 2021
11. Bubble Gun - Light Clouding.mp3 5.8 MB
Jun 01, 2021
12. Radiant electrostatic - Light Clouding.mp3 4.9 MB
Jun 01, 2021
13. Hardstep Boss - Light Clouding.mp3 4.8 MB
Jun 01, 2021
14. K-Talk - Light Clouding.mp3 3.6 MB
Jun 01, 2021
15. Let's Play Guitar (_Vocal_ Version) - Light Clouding.mp3 4.3 MB
Jun 01, 2021
16. Let's Play Guitar (Instrumental Version) - Light Clouding.mp3 4.1 MB
Jun 01, 2021

Get Game Jam 2021 [Music Free]

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